„First Kiss“ is an international educational programme aimed at young people, with the intention of expanding their worldview and raise awareness regarding sexual health and safety. The initiative is organised by Tartu Student House in cooperation with University of Tartu Youth Academy.
International conference „First Kiss“
On May 17, 2024, the international conference First Kiss will be held at the Estonian National Museum. The aim is to discuss the directions of human studies in Estonia and Europe and to share best practices in both formal and non-formal education. The conference will also explore various learning methods that professionals engaged in youth work can incorporate into their daily activities.
The conference will present, for instance, the VR experience ‘Emotions of Love’, the e-quiz environment of the University of Tartu Youth Academy, the methodologies of teaching human studies by Schools for Health (Denmark), and lectures on humans and sexuality by the Estonian Medical Students’ Association.
Teachers, youth workers, parents, as well as young people themselves, are invited to participate.
Conference programme
The conference programme will be published in March.
VR experience „Emotions of Love“
The VR experience „Emotions of love“ explores the themes of love and the complexity of emotions. It stands out with a strong and emotionally evocative story, enhanced by interactivity that allows viewers to go deep into the story and identify with the characters. It’s a familiar story of falling in love, getting hurt and rediscovering yourself, which as a VR experience feels novel and powerful.
The VR experience is available in Estonian, English, Maltese, Danish and Czech. ‘Emotions of Love’ is also a resource for youth workers, teachers and parents who want to initiate an open discussion with young people about relationships, love and coping with emotions.
Research competition „Humans and Sexuality”
University of Tartu Youth Academy and Estonian Research Council are co-organising a research competition entitled ‘Humans and Sexuality’ with a focus on the research work of students in grades 7–12.
An international e-quiz encourages young people to test their knowledge on sexual health.
The questions are aimed at grades 5–9 and grades 10–12 and have been developed in cooperation with Inimeseõpetuse Ühing (Estonian Association of Human Studies) and project partners from Denmark, Malta and Czechia. The questions have received feedback from students.
Students will have to solve problems from the school curriculum of human studies, as well as about sexual health and everyday relationships and situations faced by young people. The questions are based on themes highlighted by the project partners in Malta, Czechia and Denmark.
In Estonia, around 4,000 young people have already taken part in the quiz. The quiz can be taken in Estonian, English, Maltese, Danish and Czech
The project is funded by the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Agency under the Erasmus+ programme.

Thank you to our partners!
The project is the result of collaboration with partners from Estonia (University of Tartu Youth Academy, Maru VR, Tartu Student House), Denmark (Schools for Health), Czechia (European Development Agency) and Malta (Agenzija Zghazagh).